A downloadable game for Windows

Love Tanks is a video game about survival and companionship, where you make enemies and friends by shooting and gifting.


LoveTanks-2022dec02.exe 58 MB

Install instructions

Press the "Download" button below to download the .exe file. It will probably end up in your Downloads folder (i.e. %HOMEPATH%\Downloads ).

Extract it by clicking the button at the bottom of your browser, or by browsing to the Downloads folder and double-clicking "LoveTanks-202YmmmDD.exe". (It is a self-extracting archive.)

Windows Defender SmartScreen might block the extraction. In the "Windows protected your PC" window, click "More info", then "Run anyway". 

During extraction, you might be prompted for a password. It is "LoveTanks".

After extraction, open the LoveTanks folder with the extracted files (probably in %HOMEPATH%\Downloads\LoveTanks ).

Double-click "PeGaSys_OGL.exe" to run the game (i.e. %HOMEPATH%\Downloads\LoveTanks\PeGaSys_OGL.exe ).

Windows Defender Firewall might prompt you for permissions. Select the options you feel comfortable with. Network access is used for debugging (port 27015) and networked multi-player (ports 7101 and 7102).

The game works with keyboard or gamepad.

Follow the on-screen instructions.